Punk Rock
Southend Punk Rock History 1976 - 1986
What you've been looking at is version 1.0 of the site, compiled mainly from my own archive. Over time, if there is sufficient interest, I hope to add more content to this site and help document this key era before it's history is lost. Therefore, if you have any rare photographs, posters, memorabilia etc of the 1976 - 1986 era, then please get in touch. I'll be happy to include anything you send in future updates. It may be some shots of The Machines or Kronstadt live, it may be some pics of punks hanging out at the Queens in 1977, or it may just be a poster of a long forgotten gig, but whatever it is, get in touch and we'll build the archive. Similarly, if there is anything you feel is overlooked, or where current information on something is scant and can be improved upon, again, please get in touch.

To contact Southend Punk Rock History 1976 - 1986, please e-mail the address below:
Punk Rock

